All the promoters from past Worlds complain about those who come after them - been there done that - been there happened to me!
When it comes to selling out I am guilty as sin if you look back on SSWC2004 I ran in Berlin
Things grow and change and that is always a bad thing for those who were part of it over the years.
Still think SSWC is a great thing
The reason why the continent is slightly pissed off about SSWC2012 is that the decider was a joke!
Happened before the event even started far away from the actual venue and three people who look like the judges from Albania Got Talent decided who does the best tap dancing??? FICK OFF !!!
Italy has an exciting scene and great people who run it and they worked their butts of to host SSWC the problem is if you don't have a governing body you can't just tell them you want to do it - no you need to tap dance! Did I say FICK OFF yet?
So when we heard the news that South Africa got elected for being great dancers our first reaction on the Continent was: FICK OFF we do SSWC2012.
I can't see a reason why we should respect the tap dance decider. Actually I think who ever wants to run an SSWC should just put it on and see if he finds an audience.
Let the people decide - OCCUPY SSWC! So 8-9 of September see you in Massa Italy - because we can!
Fick off! Fick off! Fick off! And...have a nice holiday...........................
RispondiEliminaWheel-free-lancer Angelo
p.s. ciao Tim!
Why are you such an angry person? Have some respect for the hosting qualification process and live by it. You appear to be a very poor sport.
RispondiEliminaYou seem to have an issue with South Africa receiving the hosting rights when they did nothing wrong. They pitched up to the hosting qualification event (which you cleary did not - your own fault) and did what was asked of them. If you have an issue, maybe take it up with the Irish hosts who decied on the process.
Sort out your useless attitude and go to South Africa if you want to earn the rights to host the event. There is no space in single speeding for the undemocratic facist behaviour you display.
Grow up!
Hi Graham
RispondiEliminai think you are taking it a little too high. :-)
Phaty may be a bit off from the right tone, but it's more a joke than serious.
I think that he really has nothing wrong with RSA, you are right: they did nothing wrong.
I was in ireland for the sswc and for me it was impossible to take part at the hosting challenge cause it take part 40km far from the race camp...
What we didn't liked about the hosting event was clear. So the discussion about it ends here.
Talking about us:
If we really have somenthing against the "official sswc" don't you think we would have chosen the same date? btw: what is official in singlespeed?
Well, i really like the presence of a worldwide recognized event when we can meet all togheter, but RSA is really far and expensive for most of us, so what's wrong with joking about it and create a little fuss but with no bad intent.
Just to remind us the SS is about not taking it to seriously.
There is no loss of democratic, no space for any sort of fascism, trust me.
Just give a look in the right column of this blog and u can read it.
The reason of this large sized SSIT is simple: if you can't go to RSA you can have a "sort-of-sswc" with us, if you want to save money and you have to choose you can go to SSWC, and at the same time nothing can deny you to ride the SSIT and the REAL SSWC 3 weeks later.
If i had time and money i will do that.
We try to grow up without killing the child in us ;-)
Hi Simone,
RispondiEliminaThanks for clarifying the official position of SSIT. Unfortunately the tone and insinuations of Fatty's blog indicated a totally different viewpoint. He needs to be careful how he says thing on public forums like this.
So that cleared up, how did SSIT come into existence and how was it decided to host it in Italy? Also, the comment regarding SA being far is valid, but was the same objection raised about NZ in 2010? That if far further to travel to than SA.
So in closing I wish you luck with your event and urge you guys not to knock SSWC unfairly.
SS peace.
Hi Graham,
RispondiEliminaSSIT is the italian singlespeed championship, so it will always take place in italy :-)
we tought that it is a nice idea to raise the level a step up just for the guys that cannot go to the worlds.
the core of phaty view is that SSWC should be hosted in a lot of different country such us spain, portugal, italy.... but when you decide to take the decisional 40kms away from the race camp and 2 days before you cut off some of this country.
this is only a consideration, not a critic.
Graham, see you soon at the next worlds or at a SSIT edition!
PS: In NZ we had a guy that was there for its holidays, infact he was the only italian.
Nosaltres no anàvem a anar a la SSIT, certament, no per res, simplement no hi anàvem.
RispondiEliminaAra, passats els dies de la SSEC2011, del Mundial de 24 Hores SOLO de Finale, i després de treballar, treballant en l'organització de la SSEC2013, que serà, que tindrem el privilegi i l'honor d'organitzar a Girona, Catalunya, els ànims ens diuen, ANEM A LA SSIT.
Venim l'esquadra catalana, una representació per a abraçar, per a compartir, per a gaudir de la nostra passió per la bike, i això, el millor lloc per poder trobar-ho quan parlem de Single Speed és sense cap mena de dubte entre apassionats del Single Speed, i a Itàlia com a Sudàfrica, com a Irlanda, Kilfinane, com a l'europeu de Floressas, com al Mundial de Finale, I Love Bec-Phil, ho trovem.
A on podem compartir aquesta passió per la bike, per les Single Speed ens hi trobàrem, anem-hi?
Dies de MTB.